5 Ways Can Eliminate Mouth Odor
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The problem of bad breath is annoying, but who would have thought if this problem can be solved easily with natural ingredients available at home. Here is how to deal with bad breath naturally and also medically.
1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is fragrant and who would have thought if this one spice contains active substances that can also overcome the problem of bad breath. Cinnamon contains a cinnamic aldehyde compound or a kind of natural essence oil that can kill bacteria in the mouth as well as refresh the breath that is not tasty.
How to use:
• Boil a tablespoon of cinnamon powder in 500 ml of water or if no cinnamon powder is available, you can directly boil a few cinnamon sticks in enough water.
• After boiling and turning color to dark chocolate, strain the cinnamon solution.
• Use a cinnamon solution to rinse after brushing your teeth, one to two times a day.
2. Green Tea
Many studies have successfully proven the efficacy of green tea in overcoming mouth problems. A study in Egypt says that those who consume green tea regularly have fewer amounts of bacteria in the mouth than those who do not consume them. Not only that, another study conducted in Japan by Kaneko and his friends in 1993 mentioned that polyphenol compounds, especially catechin in green tea, can reduce halitosis or bad breath after consumed for four weeks.
How to use:
• Warm leaf or bag of green tea in warm water or hot water.
• Consumption of tea is like consuming tea in general. Drink the tea two to three times a day.
• In addition to drink, green tea can also be used as an effective mouthwash to overcome the problem of bad breath.
3. Parsley
Maybe you did not think that parsley plants that are still a family with celery plants can also be used to get rid of bad breath problems. Active compounds in parsley leaves such as chlorophyll proved effective in removing bad breath in halitosis or oral malodor patients.
How to use:
• Chew some pasrley leaf for a few minutes or mix it with your favorite salad.
• In addition to chewing it directly, you can also make Pasrley leaf juice by blending some parley rods and mixing it with lemon juice.
4. Fenugreek
You may not be familiar with this type of plant. Fenugreek is a Greek plant known as the name of klabet in Indonesia. Fenugreek can be used as an herbal remedy to overcome bad breath. Fenugreek contains antibacterial compounds that can kill bacteria in the mouth and freshen the breath.
• Boil a few grains of fenugreek or klabet in a glass of water for 15 minutes then strain the water.
• Drink fenugreek boiled water regularly in the morning or use the cooking water as a mouthwash until the bad breath gradually disappears.
5. Apple Vinegar
The acid contained in apple vinegar can stimulate the salivary glands to produce saliva which can overcome the problem of dry mouth. Apple vinegar has also been shown to be effective in balancing the pH in the mouth to prevent bacteria from multiplying and volatile sulfur compounds forming the cause of bad breath.
How to use:
• Dissolve one tablespoon of apple vinegar in one glass of water.
• Drink the solution before eating to digest and eliminate bad breath.
• In addition to drink, you can also use the solution to rinse after brushing your teeth.
Source: ohgitu.id
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