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7 Ways To Get Over Insomnia Quickly

7 Ways To Get Over Insomnia Quickly


There are many ways that Ana can do to overcome insomnia. Here we explain how you can enjoy a good night's sleep. How, namely:

1. Make Yourself Comfortable

Make yourself comfortable is one way of overcoming insomnia. Make sure you feel comfortable when going to bed. That way, you will fall asleep faster and free from insomnia. There are several ways to make yourself comfortable, namely: Sleep with the environment or the state of a quiet room (not noisy). Sleep in a clean and comfortable bed.

2. Calm Yourself

When you are about to sleep, you must have a calm, peaceful environment and to eliminate the saturation and confusion that you have in your mind during work or activity. You can find peace by doing the following things: Listening to music in quiet (slow tempo). Turn off all phone rings or other sounds that may irritate you.

3. Set your bed

The condition of the mattress or bed can affect the quality of your sleep. It may sound trivial, but it can help you overcome insomnia. Sleeping on a hard mattress usually makes it hard to sleep. Likewise, the size of the pillow is too small, thus making your neck and head uncomfortable and difficult to sleep. So, set the quality of your bed to overcome insomnia, as below: Make sure the mattress or bed you use soft and soft. Sleeping pillows should also be large enough to support your head and neck comfortably. Besides, choose a healthy sleeping position to keep you fresh the next day.

4. Room Condition Dark

For some people, sleeping in the dark will make it faster to sleep and soundly. It also can be used as a solution for you who suffer from insomnia, do the following: Turn off all your room lights, thus allowing your eyes more quickly sleep. Turning off the lights also helps the mind to reduce alertness and make sleep faster. For those of you who are afraid of the dark, you simply create a more dimly lit room by turning on a small lamp.

5. Make the Rules in Your Room

How to deal with insomnia next is to make some rules in your room. Make sure the room has some rules before bed, such as: No chat. No television (can not turn on the television). There is no activity, such as calling and playing games. No food.

6. Reduce consumption of caffeine

If you suffer from insomnia, then the best way is to reduce caffeine intake at night. How to regulate caffeine consumption at night, namely: Consumption of caffeine at least two hours before bed. Caffeine can cause anxiety and reduce the quality of your sleep. Maximally consume caffeine as much as two cups per day.

7. Avoid Alcohol Consumption

For those of you with sleep disorders, such as insomnia. One way to overcome insomnia is to avoid alcohol consumption, especially at night. There are several reasons why alcohol makes you sleepless, namely: Alcohol can damage your sleep patterns. Although alcohol is known to have sedative effects, but the effect can make you difficult to sleep.

By knowing how to overcome insomnia, you do not have to worry anymore your activity will be disturbed due to drowsiness and fatigue. For maximum results, consult your physician about the methods and natural remedies you will use to treat insomnia.



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